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anyone tried float tank/sensory deprivation?


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just thinkin that if hppd is some sort of traumatic imprinting (psychological and/or epigenetic), then maybe some deeply relaxing experience like meditiation, deep massage or sensory deprivation may get you into a state where these imprints can begin to loosen. Problem with meditation is that it is hard to get right and takes a long time, whereas a more aggressive relaxation like sensory deprivation may get better results. The unpleasant effects that some people describe may be such imprints that have been stored under 'too much info to conciously deal with now, store subconciously for processing later' beginning to float up for concious processing, a bit like people also describe with deep meditation.

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Yeah just like I though Parris island was endless... Us hppders would kick ass in the military were all suicidal anyway but not really. We just know there are worse things than death there fore aren't affected by human senses like we once were. Death, a life without static, pure darkness, something I haven't seen in years. I have no fear.

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