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its back, im back, really thought i was going to get over this


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so it was my 19th birthday yesterday! got royally drunk and woke up with hppd again. think i am actually going to go to hospital. does that sound stupid? my doctor is completely useless and wouldnt help me last time (i think she thinks ive brought it on myself and what do i expect her to do about it kind of thing) i feel as though i just need medical attention asap

i really thought this was going to go away, but to be honest when i said it was gone and i disappeared there was still that hint of it there, it was still on my mind every day and i was left with very bad anxiety because of it, and i think its beating me

this is more of a vent than a discussion or anything but does hospital sound dramatic? i really dont feel like it is

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happy birthday! .........You sound on the verge of an attack. You got any lorazepam? .........I know at 19 it's hard to abstain from substance, but it may just be your (our) reality.........Hospital makes sense but they will give you benzo and if they think necessary (which they probably will not) put you in psychiatric evaluation for a few days. I don't know how it is in the UK but can be pricey over here in the states. ...Your best bet is to call up a girlfriend or boyfriend or family to get you through this..............take some benzo, curl up in your bed

or couch and watch some cartoons. Get yourself some water and some food, to your side, and maybe even to some biofeedback (like take your pulse) or deep cough and/or be observant of a slowed-down breathing.

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I agree, get a benzo in you today and tomorrow, then see how you feel. If I drink crazy heavy, I have a really bad 2-3 days, then i'm back to baseline.... If your baseline is very minimal hppd... hopefully you will go back to that.

Good luck and remember not to get too wasted, next time.

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benzos are hard to get hold of for me at the moment, theres 1 man with valium who happaens to be away

but yeah just called my boyfriend and hid under his duvet and watched a film, hopefully ill be ok it seems to be around the same of yesterday at the moment, i just must remember to NOT PANIC haha

thankyou for the advice fellas, :)

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hard to get hold of drugs in manchester.... haha, that's a first :)

yep, just battle through these few days and see where you're at.

Good luck, hope you get back to normal, fast

ps - did you get to go traveling in the end?

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I also get bad after drinking but it only lasts for 48 hours tops, i had one (!) beer yesterday and i had a majir flare yp this morning but niw i'm back on track! Although i haven't gotten shitfaced for months i'm not planning to either, hangovers + hppd really sucks.

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