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Sleep deprivation helps dp dr


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I know this may be hard to believe but I tested this theory 2 years ago during my first hppd experience and it helped. Now it seems to be happening again as I've been up I feel breaks in the dp dr. Ironically I'm not the only one as some folks on dp self help have tried. Now it doesn't cure it from my experience, but you will experience alleviation. That's how it is for me though, I remember 2 years ago i stood up for 2 days and had a great day free of dp dr only to be reset by sleeping. Maybe there is a connection between are sleep and this. The limbic system and pre frontal cortex do not communicate well during sleep dep and the limbic system is likely the source of dp dr. There is some weight to this but I can't described it medically, that's up to guys like David. Ironically sleep dep may of made me vulnerable to my relapse recently, either way it's clear the limbic system is involved and sleep is a key factor for dp dr.

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I have some real experience with this...........Also some people with moderate mental illness say they get more clear-headed working late into the early morning ...(ex--Vonnegut's son who became a doctor with BPD). ........When I had HPPD bad, i would get bad anxiety at night when i went to sleep and when i woke up (hypnopompic). .......The thing is: if you are 18 and healthy.....you can tolerate it some. If you are more susceptible to problems with SD or are older, you get to a point where your circadian rhythms are so fucked up, it really messes up those really primitive areas of the brain, and at some point you just snap. Somehow i think it partially involves the Hippocampus. You keep trying to relearn your baseline, trying to keep your head sharp late into the night, then when sleep takes you so far from your conscious life, you have to relearn these things in the morning if you have already acquired cognitive-dysfunction and persistent perception disturbances from hallucinogenic drug use.

It's like if you keep taking amphetamines and you try to stay up for days, and You feel great, until BAM, you hit this wall where you are getting migraine symtoms or hallucinations, and body starts shutting down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly it's about balance I think sleep dep from 6 summer classes made me suceptable to relapse but while dped it helps I have reach a balance now of 6 to 8 hours anymore fucks me up any less it's like poor tv reception all day but no dr. Lately sleep has been very comforting, the first time I feared it because I had sleep parayalis which started after migraine meds. Once I stabilized my sleep, I felt better every day. No sleep paralysis this time thank god probably why im recovering so well, no benzos either, seriously guys try theanine instead helped me more than valerian or k, natural stuff but you need at least twice the rec dose and it'll slow your heart rate nicely during an anxiety attack.

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Sleep deprivation + large amounts of hallucinogens etc. = some f'ed-up hallucinations. The thing is: the body makes a transformation between the ages of 20-35 where a lot of the white matter becomes replaced by grey matter. And as your body ages, and you become less tolerant of bad foods and drugs and smoking and alcohol, your whole body begins to slowly oxidize. You reach a point where you just don't heal the way you had in the past.

Imagine what a super-dose of amphetamines or LSD or RCs or antidepressants can do to you. Some people say that this sort of thing will only bring out psychological issues if those predispositions and latent conditions exist beforehand. I say this is not true entirely. There is a limit to what a body or brain can take (or else nobody would ever die). Add lack of sleep to the equation and you will feel like you are being followed by a giant bumblebee.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sleep deprivation is the WORST thing in my expirience for dp/dr. There were points that I was sleeping very badly and I remember my brain couldn't keep up with what I was supposed to be processing and I would be looking at something then look else where and it would feel as if it had just appeared and would hit me like a tonne of bricks. Horrible, horrible feeling. Sleep is good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I´ve had such long periods of sleep deprivation that I could not differ dream from reality. Really creepy hallucinations!

The last time I had a completely sleepless night the HPPD got so crazy that I got vivid OEV´s, neon coloured geometric patterns that formed faces and shapes. Shrieking tinnitus too.

Not to mention the DP/DR, which went through the roof, combined with a sense of dread/ nagging fear and weird thoughts of being snatched away by demons or some other unnatural thing.

Sleep deprivation is in other words pure torture!

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  • 1 month later...

I sleep deprived myself the other night and found that it worsened my HPPD as well as my DP/DR. I do not know how it could ever help DP/DR but people are different. I don't think anyone can argue that people need their sleep to function properly, yet too much sleep is not good and not enough isn't either.

Just experiment with sleeping hours and find out how much time of sleep you need to feel your best. I found that 8-9 hours of sleep helps me the most and anything more or less would aggravate my HPPD as well as make me feel tired the whole day.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

A buddy who struggles with anxiety and depression told me an interesting fact when I mentioned how awesome I felt when I stayed up way late. He told me a chemical is released in the brain in response to sleep deprivation that combats depression. Apparently it helps with dp/dr too, because I know I feel better when I don't get enough sleep. Visuals are worse, but seriously who cares?

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sleep deprivation is never a good thing... if you are to the point where you feel more mentally alert with 0 sleep then you are in a very bad place physically and need to get yourself in a sleep treatment program asap.


dont fuck with your sleep, you will pay dearly for it in the end. you may feel more alert but you will start hallucinating more and will have a harder time discerning those hallucinations from reality. if you think thats going to help your dp/dr in anyway... dont know what to tell you then but after nearly 15 years of hppd related sleep issues and other sleep issues that are unrelated to hppd but similar in scope... trust me when i say your sleep is more important to your health than anything. You sacrifice that for any reason and you're going to get bitchslapped by your body

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Sleep is a pretty sensitive thing with HPPD. For me if I dont get the right amount or sleep, that is to say 8 hours no more no less things get messy.


If I sleep over 10 hours the next day I feel like complete shit and it takes me a couple hours in the morning to get over it. I'd just be careful with that.

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Actually it do helps for the time being. I only got 1 hour recently in 48 hours and had almost no DP/DR. But i'll pay for that later.

Anyway, everyone with a smartphone should get the sleep cycle app! Its so worth the buck it costs.

You place it next to your pillow and it register your movements during the night and shows you a nice graph over time how good you sleep. It gives you a quality indication as well. It also wakes you up when you are at the top of a curve (REM-sleep) instead of waking up during deep sleep as you could do by just setting the alarm.

By far the best app there is. I can monitor my sleep patterns and adjust things to have a better sleep. Still, you need to get out of bed when the app tells you ;)

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Do you mean that one should always sleep for as long as one feels like? During holidays I can easily sleep 12 hours if nothing awakes me.

The reason why you (and I) sleep for so long at the holidays is because our biological clock is trying to catch up. I can sleep for that long if i do not keep an eye on my stress level. Why do meditating monks sleep so little one can ask.

What you need is not just individual but also due too lifestyle. Drink coffe at the afternoon and you already manipulated your biological clock.

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Interesting stuff.. I remember periods of my life where I could think "Ok, tomorrow I'm waking up at 8 am" and I would wake up 7:55 really refreshed.
Other times (like nowadays, but also in my "I hate school" days, or my "party till the sun rises and then some" days) I could set 5 seperate alarm clocks, have someone throw a bucket of icewater over me, drag my mattress from under me, or whatever, and I would still stay in bed sleeping.

Anyways.. I just wanted to comment: For me, sleep deprivation worsens DP/DR, but improves depression.

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To paraphrase Visual.. when I have mentioned this sort of thing elsewhere.. he said it's almost like you trick your brain out of the hyperactivity through lack of sleep, and thus feel better in some regards (never visually though, I can't imagine). But yes to reiterate ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ in the long run, sleep, appropriately.

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Sleeping too little or too much does effect my symptoms. My body doesnt let me sleep much more. Once i wake up in the morning, my brain is pretty much up. If i try to sleep more I can but if i go past like 9hours, my body gets internal trembles and somewhat intensified CEV when i am half awake. 


Same goes for naps, my body rarely allows me to nap. I will start to tremor as I fall asleep, or my pulse will rise and wake me up. Or that build-up + jerk thing. 


However, one thing i noticed is that school makes me sleep no matter what lol. 

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likewise with the school here.. i had to stop taking classes because no matter what i would start nodding off within minutes of the class starting...


the worst was a calc 3 class i took with a teacher i swear could have been a body double and voice double for howie mandel . every damn class within 5 minutes i was zoned out. i had the same problem with large meetigns at my job before i started taking a more active role in those meetings. i blamed it for the longest time on lots of people in enclosed area breathing and building up carbon dioxide :D .. but no.. was just boring as hell and my brain would shut off. damn shame you cant bottle boring or we'd all have a cure for our insomnia

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