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Has anyone completely remissed then relapsed?

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Hi I'm new to the site and I will keep this post brief because I'm on a time schedule. I contracted HPPD when I was 18 after I had taken Ayahuasca. Oddly enough, I did not trip but Dr. Abraham later confirmed that is was an hallocinogen and therefore possible that I could have had HPPD. You name any symptom and I had it from Febuary to December 2010. Then one day, if was just gone, not like I woke up and was better but when I wasn't looking it seemed to fade. Nighttime visuals persisted but nothing serious and visuals only were sparked in extreme stress. I've been fine the last 2 years or so was going to school had girlfriend and am coming into 500,000 dollars. I a few months of go even denied I even had HPPD and that it was really all in my head. Then one day, a person who gave me a ride home for school lit up a joint... I must've inhaled a little secondhand and unfortunately it was like the first night all over again. That happened July 10th this summer and I am now coming upon the second month of this "relapse". I refused Sinemet treatment from Abraham the first time but I am in complete distress that this has happened again. It took all I had to beat it the first time and I am really thinking about meds like Keppra and Sinemet, yet I don't know what to do because I did remiss the first time and don't know if I should risk taking and withrawing from meds. If anyone knows about the effects of secondhand pot on this let me know. Ironically I've been around it before and there was no affect, hell I even had a testicle removed and went under for surgery and didn't relapse. The DP/DR is the worst, the visuals aren't as bad except for night static. Please comment and feel free to ask questions and know that I was 100% recovered so it is possible, even though my case was "mild" it wasn't fucking mild to me. Thanks guys help me me beat this shit again.

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I have remissed 2x and I am on my 3rd. This is in the last 10-15 years. .....Ayahuasca is essentially DMT <--(which actually exists in the brain normally). They use it for people to face past traumas and get them resolved (this could be debatable). Still it is a powerful drug. What caused you to want to take the ayahuasca?

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An ex girlfriend, and some dumb friends, again no one tripped including me which makes it weird. One of my buddies did have some panic attacks but he latter found out he had an ulcer. Did anything trigger your relapses? Mine came right after being around some kid smoking pot in his car. I'm not as bad as the first time but still it's no cakewalk, I don't know if you had a similar experience.

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First, there is a great chance that your relapse will fade. I have had contact with a member who "relapse", or get aggrevated symptoms from passive cannabis smokers everytime. It takes about three months for it to settle and he need to take a break from his studies each time. Do not panic and wait a bit longer and try to keep your normal routines if possible.

I have also been around passive cannabis smoking since i go to a lot of outdoor raves and have had people smoking a ton around me. But that is outdoors.

However, one guy smoking a joint should not affect you in a car. But when i listen to what the other member say it seems like HPPD:ers are more responsive. Non-HPPD:ers need to be exposed to a lot of cannabis in unvented spaces for a long time to get affected.

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Thanks merkan I've read alot of your posts so I take your words to heart. Like I said its not as bad and there have been moments of remission this past week. I think the post was the trigger but also alot of stress and sleep deprivation leading up to the pot smoke. Funny thing is I never was affected by secondhand smoke in the past so it was a combination of things I think. I'm coming up on month 2 so I'll wait another before considering meds.

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