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Hope everyone is doing well and hanging in there. Whats new?

I tried keto for a coupls of weeks....Noticed no positive difference infact I felt shit. I felt manic, my vision wasnt great and I felt on edge and downright mental. So iv decided to stop.

I also got to see a neuro, 5 months after asking. I was told not to go back, noone could help me and it wasnt a job for a neuro. I was disappointed as you can imagine. HPPD maybe hasnt worsened, but its not improved. Not as positive as I was 2 or 3 months ago.

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Its too bad that you aren't seeing improvement. I call myself cured, im 99.9999% symptom free and have been drinking (more than I should be) without any side effects lasting longer than 2 days and those side effects are so minimal that I actually could be imagining them..

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Keto is anti epeleptic super low.carb meant to help.hppd. I didnt see it. Iv got worse. Dont know why but its sad. Im more than willing to pay like 70 dollars towards that fee. If a few of us chipped in we could save the board. Having looked at a few sites over the past week or so...this one is leagues ahead

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I could donate ten bucks, that's chill. I think it would probably be possible for some sort of pay pal to bet set up or something like that, but I think this David person would have to do it since we'd be getting him the money......and from what I understand he's busy traveling or something like that. Also, I didn't know you had to pay for websites.....I thought as long as the domain name was available you just paid an initial fee for that and then that was it.

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Woo I emailed his offering him cash but obv he didnt reply...he was in a tent

He now comes back to the US with 50cm long beard and preaching the enlightments he receieved watching the Aurora borealis on HPPD from his tent. Its been rumored all over northern europe.

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