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I need help, And reassurance


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I got bad HPPD about 3 weeks ago and i already had anxiety problems, What happened was i smoked marijuana with the guy knowing that i couldn't handle things like acid. but the dumb ass laced it with acid and im having about a 3/10 when i feel normal and a 8/10 when im having an attack i stopped every thing unhealthy forever i swear, but i just need someone to tell me that this will eventually go away


i know its not as bad as allot of other people but i had a mild to moderate attack once every day before now its once every 3 or so days can someone assure me if its this mild its not permanent.

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The truth is noone can say its going to go away or say its permanant, thats why hppd is so frightening. Whats important to know is that you are ok, your not alone and your doing the right thing, cut out drugs alcohol caffein and eating too much shit, youl be fine. Youve already noticed improvement and aslong as you stay sober youl see improvements and gradually youl be back to a level your coumfortable. How old are you btw?

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Well it probably wasn't laced with acid, because that is impossible. The LSD would burn up at the mere presence of the flame being anywhere near it. It was probably PCP or liquid ketamine. So just chill out and stay sober, youll probably be alright.

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Find a way to relax like meditation walks anything to help you relax. It will get better with time some people even say it goes away but whatever you do do not use again. Stay way away from drugs it does not mix with your body chemistry.

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mikezero seems to always have something good to say........yeah, it was probably PCP or Khat (<----similar to bath salts) or salvia or "synthetic weed". ------this same sht happened with me------ Sounds like wet, illy, fry, sherm, elephant tranqs, green crack, whatever you want to call it.......you aren't doing much for the next 6 months right? This has happened to me like i said. If you have any questions just ask. You should get better if you don't gnaw somebody's nose off j/k try to stay calm and realize it's the drugs "talking". Unless you are truly mentally ill, you will get better. You just need a lot of time.

Take a long holiday; let your children play<------doors

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sorry.....didn't mean to sound so stupid.........if you get DP, breathe into a paperbag .........or roll around on the floor.......seriously this worked for me (moaning: optional)........ get someone to massage the base of your skull: where you head meets your neck, about 1 inch below that knot ........drink some water, do a deep cough...................sigh...................slow down..............................lay down and watch some TV................... breathe slowly and concentrate on the exhale

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