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  1. What is NAC? ( tens minutes later)ok........found it N-acytyl cysteine.
  2. Like the rest of you, I had no plans in my life to acquire HPPD. For me, it has been a nightmare. Through it all, I obtained a biochemistry degree from an ACC school. I love chemistry and wonder if I could do anything up in Mclean Hosp. For a long time HPPD had a tight grip on me and I was on the verge of suicide it was so bad. Finally, clonazapam has helped me back to a life that can just about be described as functional. I teach pharmacy of all things. I may try Keppra in the future, I do not know yet. How it all began :I took acid as a teenager not knowing any better a couple of times. What changed me forever was taking one dose of Risperadol back in 2002. It killed me, or almost did. That was when my serious symptoms started. I am thank ful for being part of the HPPD community and very excited this board is back up again. One more thing, All of us here are in a debt we cannot repay to David Kozin. HPPD exposure, research and attention for the past six years and more can be concentrated to this man. I was on his website while he was at Reed several years ago. It was his efforts along with others, that HPPD was recognized as a true disorder by the medical and scientific community to get research rolling. Thanks David, your passion for all that is HPPD wil never go unnoticed.
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