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Everything posted by Cedge

  1. Hello, my name is Cedric. I'm hoping the forum is more active that it appears at first glance. I am a 25 year old railroad construction worker from the United States. I was hoping to find a support group and chat with people who have managed to cope/treat their symptoms. I started taking psychedelics around age 15 or 16 with 25-i and have dabbled on and off since. I used to smoke a decent amount of Marijuana but have been on and off with it at various stages of my life. I have always had "tracers" to a very light degree. However an afterwork celebration of some marijuana infused psyilicibins rice crispy edibles has left me with a little bit more than I initially bargained with. My tracers are alot more vivid than they have ever been my whole life and im still adjusting to my new profound perception of reality. I don't know if it's just me but I have had several benefits from this. I quit all caffeine (energy drinks and coffee which were heavy crutches for me) , nicotine (mostly I used to smoked 2 packs a day, 1 at work and 1 after work for a night of partying), alcohol and no longer have the desire to consume any drug in the future. Everything I believe is beneficial to my long term health. I desire to find treatment for my visual symptoms however, I believe myself capable of dealing with this added stress. I just want to congratulate the inner strength of every person here. You are all alot strong than you previously had believed which truly is a testment to the primal instinct for survival and adaptation. I would love to personally talk to every single person here and learn about you, I want to create my own path to recovery and I believe everybody here holds a piece of the key that will unlock the door to the truth. If you read this far, thank you I wish you only the best. Cheers!
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