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Everything posted by RomyMisraUWL

  1. Hi there, We are doing a psychology research study on HPPD as part of the University of West London. The title of this project is “Do anxiety and depression have a relationship with HPPD in relation to age and ethnicity?". We are inviting you to take part in a short online survey, and your participation would be entirely anonymous. This survey will only take 10-15 minutes. Anyone aged 18 or over can take part. This study is exploring an area of HPPD that is still unknown and has not been investigated before. This is because we are investigating not only the potential relationship between anxiety, depression and HPPD, but also how the demographic factors of age and ethnicity relate to this. The findings of this study could encourage far more research, expand our knowledge of HPPD and lead to a deeper understanding of how we can treat HPPD, and so the study may be published at a later date. If you would like to find out more or you are thinking about becoming a participant in this study, please select this link to open the survey and information form: https://uwlpsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6KBMKL1jBgi5eWq Thank you for taking the time to read about our study. Yours sincerely, Romy Misra and Leanne McDonald
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