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John Garcia

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Everything posted by John Garcia

  1. Hey guys, I'm about a month and a half in now. Still have VS and floaters. My tinnitus started like 3 weeks ago now, got worse at first, then started fading significantly, but for the last week its been worse. again. IDK what to do I'm scared its just gonna keep getting worse. I haven't changed anything about my diet or exercise routine idk what to do.
  2. I developed what I think to be HPPD 3 weeks ago now. At first my only symptom was seeing patterns which lasted about a week. About 5 days in I noticed an increase in my already present visual snow and floaters. My floaters have already decreased to a minimal amount, but the visual snow is still there but I think it’s decreasing slowly. Also I've noticed that lights seem to be burned into my vision easier now. Like if I stare at white text on a black screen and look away I can kind of see faint lines. But a couple days ago I developed tinnitus in my left ear. It’s like these new symptoms keep popping up. Will the tinnitus fade too? because it’s the one that’s pains me the most
  3. A little backstory: A week an a half ago I had a flashback and started seeing patterns of eyes. These patterns have since faded to nothing (I am very grateful). I’ve had visual snow all my life and it never bothered me at all, but on day 2-3 after the flashback I started to notice it more. I’m not sure if it was because I was reading online about how HPPD could cause it and I was just focusing on it more, or if my flashback actually made it worse. If the latter is the case, do you guys think it’ll fade like the patterns I saw? Thanks
  4. Almost 3 weeks ago I dropped ~120 ug of acid for the first time. I didn't really have a scary trip, but I felt anxious the whole time and vomited halfway through. I also was hallucinating eyes everywhere the entire time, in the form of visual snow, and seeing them in patterns everywhere. In the hours before going to sleep I was really scared that it wouldn't go away, as I had done lots of research before dropping and knew about HPPD. I figured I would be fine because I was only taking 1 tab my first time. After my trip I actually had no visuals at all for 2 weeks and was completely fine. But 2 days ago I had a flashback. That day I didn't drink any water, and after coming home from class had a huge cup of iced coffee since I was really tired. I decided to workout, and when I stood up I felt all the blood rush to my head. Right after the blood rushed to my head I started having some symptoms which really scared me. I had some dpdr and medium visuals, but they only lasted for like 20 minutes. I also have had some slight visuals in the shape of only eyes the last 2 days. I think they are getting better, but I'm not sure because I don't really remember what to compare it to. I also can only see them if I focus really hard. Will this go away soon since it is a really mild case of possible HPPD? All help is greatly appreciated I'm never doing psychs again.
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