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Everything posted by Mac2021UK

  1. I should have said that a few months ago, that I took 2-CB (usual dose for me x 3 in a week) and I experienced lingering visuals (wavy words, but none of the other symptom's I am describing - headache, pressure, nausea), but they did dissipate for the most part within 5 days. When I feel the words move more strongly, I feel the head pressure too. I guess it's great ti retrospect to say "playing with fire" and all. I have been taking 5-HTP, and today got some Vit B and C following comments made on this forum. I am trying to de-stress, and take on the advice as given above to not dwell on symptoms too much. Not really knowing too much about substances, I am not sure how the body reacts to binges like I stated above, and there is little written that I can find about it sadly.
  2. I do not know if UI have HPPD or the onset of it, so any advice would be most helpful. I have, in the past 18 months, experimented with substances. I really liked MDMA, but have used 2-cb as a good substitute. MY 2-CB trip was usually on my own, and would take the form of 2 x pills over an evening. Usually a whole 1, followed by another half after an hour or hour and a half and the second half after that. I would come down and have no hangover effect after. I decided, because of a new job that I will be starting in the new year to finally say good bye to my “trips” and sop over Christmas, I went on a binge. Looking back, I know this is silly, but I did my “usual” trip as follows: 22nd Dec, 23rd Dec And 27th Dec and 28th Dec On the 28th I actually felt sick and threw up. I was also got a cough, coughing up phlegm. This has actually persisted the last few days. I have, unlike past trips felt a “pressure” in my head, that can move around. I have also experienced, what was a little worse, but now more mild headache on one side of my head. The visuals I have experienced are moving words along a screen, swaying like waves. They started to get better when I wasn’t wearing glasses, but with glasses they do appear to be worse. It is now a week since my last dose and the visuals do appear to be getting better – they do get worse in the evening, or perhaps when I am concentrating on it. I also get the feeling of cold breath coming through me and sometimes get feelings of euphoria still. Last night I still felt a but of a tummy ache, and have been coughing. I know fully that my binge was stupid, but part of me also wanted to get rid of all I had before the new year and start 2022 afresh. That last dose seems to have really had a negative effect and seen symptoms I have not seen before. I do not know if I have HPPD, or if this is just the body physically recovering from what I put it through. Could the headaches be the brain trying to elicit some sort of recovery? Any advice would be most helpful. Thank You.
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