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Everything posted by rlopes

  1. Yes, that's exactly what it means. They took it for 2 months and the improvements persisted! That's why I am so impressed.
  2. My doctor prescribed me with Memantine supplement to treat my HPPD. The theory is quite simple: Memantine: a NMDA receptor antagonist that improves memory by restoration of homeostasis in the glutamatergic system We antagonize NMDA receptors to restore the Glutamate / Gaba balance. Has anyone here tried it?
  3. There are many things to try... Breath deeply and try one by one, with a decent doctor to help you:
  4. Reduced my symptoms by 80% when I was on it, but they bounced back when I quit it.
  5. I know it's been a long time, but I'd like to know about the Memantine in special. Did you try it?
  6. Yes, Memantine is supposed to reduce Glutamate excitotoxicity. Did you try it?
  7. CAUTION: There's too many people wanting to try this without proper supervision. Benzos can destroy your life in way you never thought possible. HUGE addiction risk at the dosage mentioned in the study. The idea here is to discuss one possible treatment, when everything else has failed. Their suggested treatment was 2mg /daily for 6 months. Has anyone here tried this protocol? Benzodiazepines are one of the recommended agents for the treatment of HPPD but it is unclear which of them may be more helpful. The goal of our investigation was to assess the efficacy of clonazepan in the treatment of LSD-induced HPPD. Sixteen patients fulfilled entrance criteria. All complained of HPPD with anxiety features for at least 3 months and were drug free at least 3 months. They received clonazepan 2 mg/day for 2 months. Follow-up was continued for 6 months. They were weekly evaluated during the 2 months of clonazepan administration and monthly during the follow-up period using the Clinical Global Impression Scale, a Self-report Scale and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. Patients reported a significant relief and the presence of only mild symptomatology during the clonazepan administration. This improvement was clearly sustained and persisted during a 6-month follow-up period. Src: https://journals.lww.com/intclinpsychopharm/Abstract/2003/03000/Clonazepam_treatment_of_lysergic_acid.7.aspx lerner2003.pdf
  8. Hello, I know it's been 6 years, but I have the same theory as you do. Did you try this treatment?
  9. Btw it's funny that I get visuals when fapping but not during sex. And that way before the HPPD.
  10. When you orgasm you brain releases DMT, so it makes perfect sense. I have a very intense GF though so not sure how to do this
  11. I tried Kratom once. I would stay away from it. It can increase anxiety and cause addiction. Did you end up using it?
  12. The problem with CBD is that it always contains trace amounts of THC. It would be a great fit it not for that.
  13. I have pretty much the same. How are you feeling now? Any progress?
  14. I've been having shortness of breath lately. I know it's a common sign of anxiety, but it doesn't seem to be correlated with current anxiety state. I also went to the doctor and he said the lungs are fine. Have anyone of you suffered from this too?
  15. So I am new to HPPD, and I am going to wait a few months before starting meds, if necessary. But I would like to know if this is something that I would need to take forever, or if they can help to revert your brain to a "normal" state, then you can quit them?
  16. I used to meditate daily before the HPPD. Now I'm getting a bit scared because I feel that I am "leaving" my body during meditation. Does it happen to any of you too?
  17. I feel like life is a movie or a dream. It gets a lot worse when wake up. It's usually when I get the panic attacks. When I start doing "real" things I get in a better mental state. I have some confusion in my thoughts. I'm not as sharp as usual. > Have you had these symptoms at the ends of ceremonies before? or is it a first time to have strong residual effects? Yes, but I didn't realize they were from the ceremonies back them. I thought my photophobia was an eye problem. > Please discontinue all psychedelic use. You bet that. There's no way I'm touching even weed.
  18. I think this is the kind of thing that can't be hidden in a longer term relationship. Otherwise you would be trying to hide something and that would make things unpleasant for you in the long run.
  19. Hi Swartz, thank you for your reply. Yeah for sure. Everywhere I walk by with bright lights looks like Times Square And the fluorescent ones are the worst. Effexor's withdrawal, although very gradual, definitely made me overly sensitive to everything. It kept me numb when I was taking it, but when I quit it I didn't have my natural brain chemistry and structure that used to keep me in a regular state. Btw there are some studies that show that it will affect brain structure over the course of years. Thanks a lot! It's been about 10 days now. The visuals are definitely softer than before, but still present. They get worse if I get anxious with anything. I will report back again later on.
  20. It's been just a week that my HPPD started, after a very terrifying Ayahuasca ceremony. It's definitely improved since the first days. Is it common that the first weeks will be significantly worse? I think I was only so susceptible to this because I took Venlafaxine during 13 years (I was off of it for a few months before the ceremony). But I feel that my CNS is over excited, responding to every minor stimulae.
  21. I was doing good progress with my life doing Ayahuasca, until that now, in my last ceremony, I felt a huge terror and I am still reviving this terror. It's been only 4 days, but the time feels much longer. I am still getting visuals. I feel dizzy, have photophobia and sensory alterations. I feel like there's "things" moving inside my body. Also some derealization. What are the first steps for recovery?
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