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Everything posted by LTC79

  1. Hello everyone I am an MSc psychology student at UEL and I am interested in advancing the research on psychedelic drugs. More specifically I am conducting a research to understand the long term effects of psychedelic drugs by exploring whether there are differences between the perceived wellbeing, life satisfaction and mood of psychedelic drugs users and non-psychedelic drug users. For psychedelic drug users, I am further investigating the relationship between the quality and the context of their experience often referred to as 'mystical' and their perceived wellbeing. Everyone who is over 18 years of age (psychedelic drugs users and non-drugs users) can take part anonymously and remotely by clicking on the link below: https://uelpsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4UA6qvRGwlIDOgR I would really appreciate if you could complete the anonymous questionnaire and/or if you could help disseminate it. I am happy to share more about my research with anybody who is interested in the topic and to feedback on the findings once it is completed. Thank you!
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