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Everything posted by Polak

  1. I have this tactile sensations. They told me that i have schizofremia. But i dont know it that is right diagnosis. I think this is hppd. I can feel the burning sensation like millions ants walking on my feet under the skin. Its sometimes hurts. And I feel sometimes a point of pain in my head behind left eye. I thinks that may be cluster headache.
  2. What is your life symptoms of HPPD? But i not asking about visuals, but rather feelings? Living? How it feel your you? I feel like im in a huge vortex trying to catch it from a wroge way, up and down, back and front. I barely remember how to live normal life every day and every minute is a struggle with enermous strangth of squezing me from inside. i see vortexes and common visuals already presented on forum. how is yours feelings?
  3. in my situations its like ocean of blue flickering spots, its like my brain its on blue fire
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