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Everything posted by Steikt

  1. Thanks Jay. Yeah I know it's not a solution or useful long term, I know what it's like to withdraw and I know it gets a little worse and a little harder each time. I'm just at a point where it's either temporary relief or relief of the permanent kind. I'm not depressed, I'm not terribly upset, I'm just done, you know.
  2. Thank you for the advice China. I'm not exactly a newbie on these forums but it has been a long while and i couldn't remember my old username. I have taken benzos and it makes a world of difference to me. Too bad cause my doctor just does not want to prescribe them. He thinks they work "too well" for me and will just cause me problems down the road. At this point I am just too frustrated to try other techniques. It kills me to know that there is a "cure" but I just can't have it. Thank you again for taking the time to reply. I'm sorry you are dealing with HPPD as well and I sincerely hope you find relief.
  3. Thanks for the kind words people, I'm editing my original post because it was too pathetic and whiny
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